Wowsers Craigslist has done it again. Thank you Internets for keeping me entertained. Thanks to Kat for the link
I have this fetish, and well, it’s kinda weird. I like young guys, about 18-25, to come over to my place for some fun. Ideally they would be dressed in an orange tracksuit but that’s not essential. What I like to do is strip down, slow and sensual (you’d remain fully clothed) and open a few bags of regular party balloons. I will provide the balloons.
Can come to you, but would prefer to do it at home as it’s a hassle bringing all the balloons in the car, I’d need a suitcase or something.
It will be your responsibility to blow up as many balloons as you can, though I will be there to assist if you get out of breath at any stage. This will continue until my bedroom is literally filled with bright and bouncy balloons.
I will then sit down on my rocking chair, bedside, and request that you come closer to me. You will pick up a balloon and hold it close to my ear (can be left or right, preferably left). As I masturbate my penis, you will pick up the large needle from my bedside locker and pop the balloon in my ear. (The first balloon must always be red and the last blue, aside from that you may pop them in whatever order you like.)
The popping of balloons in my ear will continue to become more and more arousing to me until eventually I will come close to reaching a climax and stop. (I don’t feel I deserve to reach orgasm so I have trained myself not to)
After that, you will read me a short story from my childhood book of fairytales. Preferably something classic such as Cinderella or Snow White. I would love to drift off into a slumber feeling like the prettiest princess in all the land. You will be required to read to me until I am fast asleep. Don’t worry, it won’t take very long as I always sleep extremely soundly after partaking in a balloon service.
– Cuddy
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