Battle Angel Alita – James Cameron

[singlepic id=4640 w=320 h=240 float=right]Now that Avatar is in theatres, it’s time for legendary filmmaker James Cameron to set his sights on his next big project. Time and time again, we’ve been hearing that it’ll be Battle Angel Alita, but things are a lot more solid now that Cameron’s partner in crime, Jon Landau, is talking about how it definitely will happen.
After Avatar 2, of course.
Speaking with MTV’s Splash Page, Landau talks about how invested Cameron is in the project, along with some of the developments they’ve had with the script. Talking about Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis working together on the script:

We were familiar with the anime that had been produced, we were familiar with one of the main books. But she opened us up to the other nine books that exist, and how rich that world is.

So, there will be a greater focus on the manga as opposed to the original intention of drawing mostly from the anime. An expanded world, more intensity, and a new name. According to Landau, Cameron only does T&A-titled movies. We might see Alita: Battle Angel across the marquee a few years down the road.

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