I love this artwork: Nic Klein

I love this dudes artwork. Now I’m not some sorta art critic but I know what I like, and I like this. There are dozens of artists who all work with this sort of style, but each has their own way of bring it to life. It’s like saying every [singlepic id=4593 w=320 h=240 float=right] Marvel and DC comic book look the same, yeah, they do in a way, but that’s your “thing” you can easily pick out one artist from another.
From what I can gauge there is lots of action scenes that look a lot like Tank Girl or early 90s MTV comic book art with  a  slightly better artistic style to it. I like that there is a little Astro Boy in the background of one of the pictures or  the zombie style theme that definitely does it for me.[singlepic id=4598 w=320 h=240 float=left]
So to sum it all up it would be wrong to say that it’s just one item that makes it good but it’s not just the theme or the way its drawn but how the composition comes together and how it makes the artwork feel overall. So if you want to see more go check out his website and you might be surprised. Heck  you might just find something there that you like. Want to see more on top of that go check out some of the comic books, do a quick Google “Nic Klein” and you might just find something new to read.
want to see more? go visit http://www.nic-klein.com/

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