3D newspaper pops up in Taranaki

Around the world newspapers have been losing readership to the internet, but now a community paper in Taranaki thinks it may be able to turn that around.
‘Heart of Taranaki’ is giving a fresh dimension to print, by incorporating 3D elements into the standard newspaper format.

The special edition newspaper came out of the town of Stratford and has already received rave reviews from locals.
“That’s a brilliant idea, it gets a lot more people involved in reading the paper and I’d say even the kids would read it more,” says resident Kane Searancke.
Stratford Press general manager Gordon Gray-Lockhart says it’s innovative thinking that might help reverse a downturn in the newspaper industry.
“Things like this might work in any business environment, it doesn’t matter whether you are selling newspapers or oranges – it’s gonna work,” he says.
A small team of Stratford Press staff worked on the project and yesterday afternoon nearly 10,000 of the 3D newspapers were distributed.
Mr Gray-Lockhart says the aim of the special edition is to make people look at their local newspaper for longer.
Nine thousand copies, together with glasses, went out yesterday afternoon.
The 3D paper will not be a daily due to the workload of producing the paper and complimentary glasses.
The next edition will probably be a year away.

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